Daily Holy Mass Times This Week Monday 7:30am - St. Patrick Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am - Christ the King 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Wednesday & Friday 7:30am - St. Patrick 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Saturday 9am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Weekend Holy Mass Times Saturday (Vigil) 4:00pm - St. Patrick 5:00pm - Christ the King Sunday 7:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary 9:00am - Christ the King 9:00am - St. Patrick 10:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary | Confession Schedule Weekdays - 30 mins prior to Holy Mass Weekends - 40 mins prior to Holy Mass *subject to change, check pastorate26.com/parish-calendar Eucharistic Adoration Mary Morning Star Chapel Mon-Fri: 6am-8pm (closed Thurs 12-2pm) Children's Adoration - first and third Wed of the month 3:30-4pm Overnight Adoration at IHM Last Wed of the month - Jan 29 Office Hours Christ the King: Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm, Fri 9am-12pm Immaculate Heart of Mary & St. Patrick: Fri 9am-12pm 608-838-9797 |
SOCIETY of ST. VINCENT de PAUL Vincentian spirituality is defined under our Rule. The Rule of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is much like the Rule of any religious order. It guides the lives and the work of its members. The early part of our Rule describes the purpose and scope of our service: 1.2 The Vincentian Vocation The vocation of the Society’s members, who are called Vincentians, is to follow Christ through service to those in need and so bear witness to His compassionate and liberating love. Members show their commitment through person-to-person contact. Vincentians serve in hope. 1.3 Any form of personal help... No work of charity is foreign to the Society. It includes any form of help that alleviates suffering or deprivation and promotes human dignity and personal integrity in all their dimensions. 1.4 ... to anyone in need The Society serves those in need regardless of creed, ethnic or social background, health, gender, or political opinions. 1.5 To Seek Out the Poor Vincentians strive to seek out and find those in need and the forgotten, the victims of exclusion or adversity. 1.6 Adaptation to a Changing World Faithful to the spirit of its founders, the Society constantly strives for renewal, adapting to changing world conditions. It seeks to be ever aware of the changes that occur in human society and the new types of poverty that may be identified or anticipated. It gives priority to the poorest of the poor and to those who are most rejected by society. The Rule also offers instruction to guide our service and growth in holiness by defining our Essential Virtues: Vincentians seek to emulate St. Vincent in the five virtues essential for promoting love and respect for the poor: • Simplicity – frankness, integrity, genuineness. • Humility – accepting the truth about our frailties, gifts, talents and charism, yet knowing that all that God gives us is for others and that we can achieve nothing of eternal value without His grace. • Gentleness – friendly assurance and invincible goodwill, which mean kindness, sweetness and patience in our relationship with others. • Selflessness – dying to our ego with a life of self-sacrifice; members share their time, their possessions, their talents and themselves in a spirit of generosity. • Zeal – a passion for the full flourishing and eternal happiness of every person. Our Rule offers a way of life that pulls us closer to God, to our fellow members, and to our neighbors in need. Copies of the Rule will be available for you to see and review after each Mass this weekend. Talk to a Vincentian after Mass to learn more and get information on upcoming meetings. We hope you will join us. |
Congratulations & God's Blessings to ![]() Alex & Sarah Dorr, who were united in Holy Matrimony on January 11! |
Benefit Dinner & Dance Our annual Benefit Dinner & Dance is Feb. 14 from 5:30pm-11pm at Barnwood Events WI in Madison. We're halfway to selling out the Benefit Dinner! RSVP this week to secure your spot! 50/50 raffle ticket sales will be sold after Holy Mass starting this weekend and can be purchased during office hours at all three churches. If you're interested in supporting the event through sponsorships or silent auction donations, please email [email protected] |
Announcements Welcome to Stella Maris Pastorate We are glad you are here! Kaitlyn Abbott Michael Balsewicz Dean & Kelly Hampton Our Prayers & Sympathy to the family and friends of: † Charlotte Handzel † Anna Mae Nord † Maria Elena Santiago Cordero † Crystal Zimmerman Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen Overnight Eucharistic Adoration Adore the Lord at IHM Church. Sign up here. 8pm Jan 29 - 8am Jan 30. Adoration from Feb 3 - 7 Eucharistic Adoration from Feb 3 - 7 will be at IHM Church, instead of Mary Morning Star Chapel because of the Sisters' annual retreat. Adoration will return to the chapel on Monday, Feb. 10. IHM School Enrollment It is enrollment time at IHM School (3K - 8) for the 2025-26 school year. Priority Application for NEW students who are parishioners or siblings of current students runs through Feb. 5. After Feb. 5, enrollment will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Begin enrollment by completing this form. Catholic Schools Week (CSW) Come to our school Open House on Jan. 26, 11:30am-1pm to kick off CSW! See our school, meet school families and staff, and to get your questions answered! Check out the CSW schedule! First Reconciliation Children will be receiving their First Reconciliation before Mass on Jan. 25 at 4pm (SP) and 5pm (CTK), and on Jan. 26 at 10:30am (IHM). Prayers welcome! Catholic Herald Subscription Renew or subscribe to the Catholic Herald for $23. Payment envelopes are included with offertory envelopes or available in the back of church. Make checks payable to CTK, IHM or SP (memo: "Catholic Herald") and place them in the collection basket by Feb. 28 to avoid cancellation. |
Events Lay Witness Testimony Night Jan. 22 in IHM Marian Hall at 6pm. Hear how God's grace has worked in the life of local Catholic, Karen Paschke, through many and various ways to draw her ever deeper into His calling for her to learn His way of love. That Man Is You! Men of Stella Maris, come check out That Man Is You! (TMIY), a thriving men's ministry! We are in our second year and we'd love to have more men join as we get started with our winter/spring session! TMIY is hosted at CTK Church on Saturday mornings, 7-8:30am and includes breakfast, a video presentation, and small group discussion. Email Tom to register. Euchre Night at CTK CTK Men’s Club is hosting a Euchre Night on Jan. 19. Open to all adults, gather at 6:30pm, euchre starts at 7pm, $5 entry. High School Youth Group Join on Jan. 21 from 5- 6:30pm for service at the Luke House! Contact Tony for details. Culver’s Share Night Support our IHM Middle School Students fundraising for their Washington DC Trip and dine at Culver’s in Cottage Grove (1599 Landmark Dr., Cottage Grove) on Tuesday, Jan. 21 from 4 - 8pm. Luke House - January The churches within our pastorate prepare and serve meals at the Luke House. Food donations and volunteers to serve the food are needed. Click for details: CTK - Jan 21 & 29, IHM - Jan 22. St. Vincent de Paul – Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive Donate new or gently used blankets, bedding, and sheets to help families in need! Drop off items at Stella Maris churches or St. Vinny’s Thrift Stores on Jan. 25–26. Ways to help:
Pancake Breakfast at CTK CTK Men's Club annual Superbowl Pancake breakfast Sun. Feb. 9, 8 - 11:30am, proceeds will support Luke House & SVdP. Encounter School of Ministry Rooted in Catholic teaching, this two-year program equips disciples to demonstrate the supernatural power and love of God. Weekly classes during the school year blend worship, teaching, and practical activation. Themes include Identity, Healing, Evangelization, and Leadership, guided by core values like love, intimacy with God, and Christian unity. Transformation Night Feb. 10. Learn more here. Stella Maris Iconography Workshop Master Iconographer Drazen Dupor of Madison WI, will guide participants through a step-by-step process of painting St. Nicholas. Feb. 21-23 at CTK Hall, no experience required. Details here. IHM Fish Fry Mark your calendars for the IHM Fish Fries: Mar 7 & 21 & Apr 11. Dine in or carry out. After Abortion, Find Hope Whether recent or long ago, the decision and experience maybe haunting your mind and heart. Find hope and healing by contacting Project Rachel for private consultation or by attending Rachel’s Vineyard retreat on March 28-30. Contact Mary 608-821-3177 or visit madisondiocese.org/rachel |
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Mass Intentions Monday Jan 20 7:30am-SP: † Dave Showers Tuesday Jan 21 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by celebrant 8:30am-IHM: Intention designated by celebrant Wednesday Jan 22 7:30am-SP: † Stan & Patti Rockweiler 8:30am-IHM: † Al Kiel Thursday Jan 23 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by celebrant 8:30am-IHM: Intentions of Judette Blea Budden Friday Jan 24 7:30am-SP: † Mary Ann Gehring 8:30am-IHM: Intention designated by celebrant Saturday Jan 25 9am-IHM: Intention designated by celebrant 4pm-SP: Intention designated by celebrant 5pm-CTK: † Armando Quiambao Sunday Jan 26 7:30am-IHM: † John Nuck 9am-CTK: Intentions of the Moore Family 9am-SP: Intention designated by celebrant 10:30am-IHM: † Mary Fiscus |