Daily Holy Mass Times
Monday 7:30am - St. Patrick Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am - Christ the King 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Wednesday & Friday 7:30am - St. Patrick 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Saturday 9:00am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Weekend Holy Mass Times Saturday (Vigil) 4:00pm - St. Patrick 5:00pm - Christ the King Sunday 7:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary 9:00am - Christ the King 9:00am - St. Patrick 10:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Confession Schedule
Weekdays - 30 mins prior to Holy Mass Weekends - 40 mins prior to Holy Mass
Eucharistic Adoration
Mary Morning Star Chapel
Mon-Fri: 6am-8pm
(closed Thurs 12-2pm)
Sun: 5pm-6pm
Overnight Adoration
Last Wed Monthly at IHM - 5/29
Office Hours
Christ the King: Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm, Fri 9am-12pm
St. Patrick: Wed & Fri 9am-12pm
Immaculate Heart of Mary:
Fri 9am-12pm |
Mark your calendars for the Stella Maris fiery tongues bonfire and cookout! As the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in tongues of flame, we will celebrate the Vigil of Pentecost on May 18 at 5pm at Christ the King (5306 Main Street, McFarland) followed by a bonfire and cookout. It's bound to be a delightful gathering for our pastorate.
Please bring lawn chairs and your own food and drinks. S'mores ingredients will be provided. The cookout invites food fired in any sense – fiery chili, fire-roasted kebabs, open-grilled steak, hot dogs, brats, corn on the cob – cooked before or during the bonfire through whatever method you bring. Please contact Ben Conrad with questions.
See you there,
Fr. Chad M. Droessler
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Knights of Columbus May Newsletter
Read the recent happenings within Our Lady of the Green Scapular Council here.
Stella Maris St. Anne's Society
Invites all women of the pastorate to join for their annual May potluck and Baby Shower to support Babies & Beyond. Tuesday, May 7 at 6pm in Marian Hall (IHM School cafeteria). Participants are encouraged to bring a dish to pass, and a donation for Babies & Beyond. Questions: Teri Kuntzsch 608-206-5144 / [email protected]. Click for details.
Diaconate Ordination Mass Reception
Our Pastorate Vocations Committee, St. Anne's, and KC’s will be hosting a reception after the Diaconate Ordination Mass on May 10 in IHM Marian Hall. Mass at IHM begins at 7pm with the reception after Mass (around 8:30pm). Click here to volunteer to help or to donate. Monetary donations (labeled "ordination reception") can be placed in the collection baskets during Mass or mailed to the parish office. Contact Teri with questions at 608-206-5144 or [email protected].
Walking with Moms
Walking with Moms in Need is a parish-based initiative to increase support for pregnant and parenting mothers in need. Learn more about Stella Maris Walking with Moms at CTK hall, May 22 6pm-7:30pm. Our pastorate is joining this effort to help vulnerable families find support. Details here.
Garden Angels
Please sign up to water church flowers during the summer here.
Mother’s Day Rose Project
On Mother's Day weekend, May 11/12, give generously for roses so that others may choose life, knowing that there is a community surrounding them with love. The suggested donation is $3 a rose, but each extra dollar goes a long way. Wisconsin Right to Life - Dane County is completely volunteer driven and all donations go to the mission to save lives.
DOM Marriage & Family Newsletter
Visit here for info on Retrouvaille Retreat, Worldwide Marriage Encounter, NFP, Divorce Ministry, Rachel's Vineyard Retreat and more. Cancer Group Meeting May 13, 5:30-7:30pm at SP parish office.
Stella Maris Care Team
For a rewarding opportunity to serve others, considering joining the new Stella Maris Care Team. Care Team volunteers make social visits to parishioners who are isolated in their homes. If this type of compassion in action is calling you, email Marnie or call 608-440-9441.
Did You Know?
That St. Benedict Parish has many needs? Click here to read more.
May Crowning
Filiae Mariae, Daughters of Mary, invites all girls in the pastorate to participate in a May Crowning at each of the churches. May 5 at CTK, May 12 at SP, May 19 at IHM at 10:30am. Details here.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Celebration
Stella Maris Pastorate and the Shrine of Our Lady of the Green Scapular will celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Sunday, June 9, at 10:30am Holy Mass, followed by a consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (details below) and a pot-luck picnic in the IHM church rectory back yard. More info coming soon!
33 Days to Morning Glory Consecration to Mary Begins May 7
We will begin preparing for our consecration to Mary starting this Tuesday, May 7, following the book "33 Days to Morning Glory" by Fr. Michael Gaitley. A small supply of books are still available at each of our churches. The consecration will take place following the 10:30am Holy Mass on June 9 at IHM. Consecration is a total gift of ourselves to the Blessed Mother - an offering of all of our prayers, intentions, works, sacrifices, and gifts, for her to use as needed to help form us into saints. Mary is united to the will of God more closely than any other human being throughout all of time. If we want to know and follow the will of God in our own lives, there’s no better person to entrust the care of our souls than to Mary herself.
IHM School Spring Concert
Join students K-8 on the IHM school lawn for their spring concert; May 17 at 5:30pm. Food trucks after the show! Details here.
Stella Maris Graduation Mass
High school graduates will sit with their families during 9am Mass at SP on May 19, and will receive a blessing at the conclusion of the Mass. There will be a small reception afterward for the graduates and their families. RSVP by May 15.
Euchre Night at CTK
Christ the King Men’s Club is hosting a Euchre Night on May 19. Gather at 6:30pm, play at 7pm. Open to all adults, couples and singles welcome. $5/person.
Vacation Bible School
Register before May 15 for VBS, June 24-28 at CTK! It is a fun week for children going into 4K-6th grade! Click here for details and to register. Please contact Marnie if you can volunteer! Volunteers should be 12 years old to adult.
Luke House - May
The churches within our pastorate prepare and serve meals at the Luke House. Food donations and volunteers to serve the food are needed. Click for details: SP: May 15 CTK: May 21, IHM: May 22 |
Mass Intentions
Monday May 6
7:30am-SP: † Bonnie Daggett Tuesday May 7 7:30am-CTK: † Leo & Lucille Feldkamp 8:30am-IHM: Intention designated by Celebrant Wednesday May 8 7:30am-SP: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: Roger & Diane McKee Thursday May 9 7:30am-CTK: † Joan Schoepp 8:30am-IHM: Stella Maris Pastorate Friday May 10 7:30am-SP: † Brooke Elfers 8:30am-IHM: † Helen Polacek Saturday May 11 9am-IHM: Intention designated by Celebrant 4pm-SP: † Dave Grady 5pm-CTK: Intention of Sandra & Humberto Pasarell Sunday May 12 7:30am-IHM: † Gary Gillette 9am-CTK: Stella Maris Pastorate 9am-SP: † Elizabeth Mindham 10:30am-IHM: † Delores Frome |
Give Your “First Fruits” Back to God
To Parish..........5% To Diocese.......1% To Charities......4% Leave a Lasting Legacy |