Last week we began the process of considering a new parish name that will replace the "Pastorate 26" name. Over the next few weeks, we will present five potential names of our new parish, with an opportunity for your participation in ranking and feedback. After that we will present three names to Bishop Hying for his selection. With this in mind, I would like to propose the first potential new name for our parish – "Archangels Parish.” The name "Archangels Parish" carries significant symbolism and conveys a sense of divine protection, guidance, and strength. Archangels are traditionally regarded as powerful and benevolent beings who serve as messengers and guardians, who deliver important news of salvation. In the Church there are three archangels who we honor by name: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. They are also the only three angels who are mentioned by name in Sacred Scripture. Here are a few key reasons why the name "Archangels Parish" could be a fitting choice for our parish name: Spiritual Guardianship: Archangels are often seen as protectors and guides. Choosing this name signifies our constant belief that God is guiding the course of history, as we come together into this new parish and the unknowns of the future. Not only that, each of us are protected by God, as we each have a guardian angel. Messenger of Good News: Archangels are messengers, bringing important news and divine guidance. This name reflects our dedication to our Lord’s commission: to go make disciples of all nations. Spreading the message of God’s love, compassion, truth, and faith within our parish and beyond is what we do as Christians and the chief objective of our parishes. Three for Three: Three Archangels, three parishes coming together! The name “Archangels Parish” can help bridge the past and the present, recognizing three parishes of the past, just as there are three distinct Archangels with specific roles, while seeing that our unity is brought together in service of God. I believe that "Archangels Parish" has the potential to inspire and unite us as we continue our journey of faith. For more on the Archangels visit this link and watch this video. Watch for an e-note on Monday and the bulletin next weekend for information regarding the second potential name of “Holy Cross Parish.”
Archangels, pray for us,
Fr. Chad M. Droessler |
Welcome to our Pastorate! Welcome to our newest members: Byron & Barbara Burk
Prayers & Sympathy
Our prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of: † James Guy
† David Starker
† Jacqualine Robinson
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Special Music for the Feast of the Epiphany
Pastorate 26 will mark the Epiphany of the Lord in a special way at the 10:30am Mass at IHM on Sunday, Jan. 7 where both of our Adult Choirs and our whole School Choir will be joined by a Brass Quintet to sing glorious music to herald the arrival of the Magi and conclude the Christmas season. The 10:30am Mass will be the only High Mass on Sunday, Jan. 7. The 5pm Mass at CTK on Jan. 6 will be a High Mass, all other Masses will be Low Masses as we'll focus our musical forces on the 10:30am Mass.
Epiphany Chalk
Take a piece of blessed chalk with you this weekend after Holy Mass to bless your home in celebration of the Feast of the Epiphany. The tradition is to use the chalk to inscribe the initials of the three Magi (Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar), along with the numbers of the new year: 20+G+M+B+24, above your home's entrance asking for God's blessing on your home.
Christmas Decorations
We will be taking down the Christmas decorations at IHM after the 10:30am Mass on Jan. 7. If you are able to help, it would be greatly appreciated. Many hands make light work! Also, if anyone would like to take a poinsettia home, please see Deb Kreigh.
Confessional Space at St. Patrick There is a new confessional space at St. Patrick Church. It’s in the coat room for the time being. This is to ensure that the rite due to the penitent for privacy is respected, and the integrity of the seal of the confessional is upheld.
Women's Retreat to Holy Hill
Women of Pastorate 26 are you desiring to grow in holiness? Do you desire to have more time with God? You are invited to a Silent Retreat at Holy Hill, March 14-16. Space is limited! Click for details and to sign up before Feb. 15. Questions: call Patti Schmelzer at 608-334-0968.
Rosary Ministry of Pastorate 26
Click here for detailed information on Mary’s Rosary Ministry.
Overnight Eucharistic Adoration
Adore the Lord at IHM Church. Sign up here. 8pm Jan 31 - 8am Feb 1. Catholic Herald Subscription It's time to renew your Catholic Herald newspaper. The cost is $23/year. This is the nominal charge for all who would like a subscription. There are forms in the back of church.
Sign Up!
Fellowship after Holy Mass is a wonderful way to meet others within our pastorate! Please join for hospitality this Sunday, Jan. 7 after all Masses.
Catechesis Night
Jan. 10 at Immaculate Heart of Mary School in Marian Hall at 6pm. The topic will be 'The Eucharist': Did you know the word 'eucharist' means thanksgiving? What are we giving thanks for when we celebrate the Eucharist? The greatest gift of all - God Himself!
That Man Is You! is a men's group within our pastorate and a new session begins Jan. 13. Meetings are at 7am Saturdays at Christ the King. Email Tom with questions.
St. Patrick Pancake Breakfast
The Knights of Columbus Council 7775 of St. Patrick is sponsoring an all you can eat pancake breakfast on Jan. 14, 8:30-11:30am at St. Patrick Church in Cottage Grove. Proceeds will go to the Cottage Grove Food Pantry.
Luke House - January
The churches within our pastorate prepare and serve meals at the Luke House. Food donations and volunteers to serve the food are needed. Sign up here. CTK: Jan. 16 & 29, STP: Jan. 17, IHM: Jan 24.
Annual Benefit Dinner + Dance
Jan. 26 at Barnwood Events WI: 3230 Larsen Rd, Madison, WI 53711. The silent auction opens for bidding on Jan. 15 and will remain open until 8pm on Jan. 26! Even if you can't be with us in person, you will be able to fully participate in the silent auction from home! We appreciate all your donations and the contributions of our local businesses!
Jesus and the Eucharist Bible Study
Pastorate 26 will be hosting a Study of the biblical roots of the Eucharist as part of the National Eucharistic revival. The seven-part Study will be held on Mondays, beginning Jan. 15, from 6:30-8:45pm at CTK. No cost. Sign up here today. Contact Sandy Bakk or Chris Speece with questions.
Christian Experience Weekend (CEW)
CEW is an opportunity to leave your busy world behind for a couple of days to reflect on your relationship with God and others. Located at St. Ann Catholic Church in Stoughton. Women's weekend: Feb. 16-18, Men's weekend: March 1-3. Details here. |
Mass Intentions
Monday Jan 8
7:30am-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant Tuesday Jan 9 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Sarah Weber Wednesday Jan 10 7:30am-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Msgr. Pitabone Thursday Jan 11 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Bill Harper Friday Jan 12 7:30am-STP: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † David Archie Saturday Jan 13 9am-IHM: Intention designated by Celebrant 4pm-STP: People of Pastorate 26 5pm-CTK: Intention designated by Celebrant Sunday Jan 14 7:30am-IHM: Intention designated by Celebrant 9am-STP: † John Polzin 9am-CTK: † Joan Schoepp 10:30am-IHM: † Betty Collins |
Give Your “First Fruits” Back to God
To Parish..........5% To Diocese.......1% To Charities......4% |