Last week you received a stewardship letter from our pastorate. There was a mix-up in our data that had letters sent to all individual members in our pastorate instead of each household. I want to express how sorry we are for any displeasure this may have caused. We have taken immediate steps to prevent this type of mistake in the future.
This weekend I will speak more about this stewardship. In the meantime, please reflect on what is God leading you to do. Perhaps He is encouraging you to become more active in our pastorate or commit more time to prayer. If He is leading you to give financially, there are a couple different ways to do this. The simplest way is to use the QR codes provided on the envelopes to setup one time or recurring donations or visit our website.
I appreciate your commitment to our pastorate and thank you for your continued support.
Fr. Chad M. Droessler
Congratulations & God’s blessings to Charlie Zahn, who was baptized on October 22, 2023!
Faith Formation Night
Daughters of Mary, Filae Mariae
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” -Matthew 22:37
Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money, power, status, comfort or some personal possession greater than your love for God? Do you recognize that everything you have and that everything you are is a gift from God? Putting God first in everything helps keep us from becoming a slave to our possessions and to our pride.
All Saints Day & All Souls Day
All Saints Day: Wednesday is the Solemnity of All Saints Day, a holy day of obligation. Mass times will be Nov. 1, at:
7:30am, St. Patrick
8:30am, IHM
6:00pm, CTK
The parish office will be closed on Wednesday because of this solemnity.
All Souls Day: Thursday, Nov. 2 is All Souls Day, not a holy day, although it is a proper and holy disposition to pray for those who have died and may well be undergoing purification. Mass times are:
7:30am, CTK
8:30am, IHM
6:00pm, St. Patrick
Resurrection Cemetery
You are invited to join Bishop Hying in praying for all souls on Nov. 2 at 5pm in the chapel at Resurrection Cemetery. Also, it is time to order Resurrection Cemetery wreaths. Purchase online at before Nov. 10.
DOM Marriage & Family Newsletter
The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God. More here.
St. Anne’s Society of Pastorate 26
The next membership meeting is Nov. 7 from 6-8pm in Marian Hall in IHM school. All women of Pastorate 26 are welcome to attend. Social time from 6-6:30pm with light refreshments. Kathy Marshall will be speaking about the Green Scapular, followed by our business meeting. Contact Teri Kuntzsch / 608-206-5144 Thank You
St. Anne's bake sale was a great success and was an amazing opportunity to meet others within our pastorate. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated, and purchased items.
SVdP Clothing Drive
The IHM St. Vincent de Paul fall clothing drive is scheduled for the weekend of Nov. 4/5. Donation bags will be handed out after Masses at IHM and Christ the King this weekend. Bags with your donations can be brought back to either church the weekend of November 4/5. This is a great chance to clean out your closets before winter! Thanks for your support!
Handmade Rosaries
Our pastorate's Rosary Assemblers Ministry will have beautiful, handmade rosaries available, for a suggested donation, after Mass at St. Patrick this weekend. Contact: Julie at 715-862-2523 or [email protected]
Sacristan Training
Do you attend daily Mass? Interested in volunteering at Sunday Mass but not quite ready for choir? Consider becoming a Sacristan! Sacristans assist with preparing the vessels for Mass and ensuring that they are properly stored after Mass. We are looking to add Sacristans at each church for all Masses. Michael Mills will conduct Sacristan training at IHM after 10:30am Mass on Nov. 5, at STP after 4pm Mass on Nov. 11 and at CTK after 5pm Mass on Nov. 11.
MagnifiKid! Subscriptions
A spiritual guide for children 6+ that offers all the readings and prayers for Sunday Masses and Holy Days. Sign up here by Nov. 12.
Sign Up! Usher at IHM Adore our Lord at Mary Morning Star Chapel Join one of the choirs
Nov. 1 - All Saints Day - Holy Mass
Nov 8 - Potluck at St. Patrick at 6pm
Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
St. Patrick KC's is hosting an all you can eat pancake breakfast on Nov. 12. Donations at the pancake breakfast will benefit "Heat for Heroes" which helps veterans pay their heating bills.
Luke House
Oct. 30 - CTK prepares and serves a meal when there is a fifth week in a month. Please contact Ernie to sign up at [email protected].
St. Patrick Prayer Shawl Ministry
Nov. 1 at 9am in the Parish Center. New members are always welcome. If you have questions, email Margaret Rose or call 608-289-5376 or email Gail Polzin or call 608-219-2072.
Adult Bible Study
Our pastorate has a bible study group that all are welcome to join! The group will meet on Tuesdays 10:30am-12pm at CTK beginning on Oct. 24. Please register here.
SVdP Meeting
The IHM Conference of St. Vincent de Paul meeting will be held on Thurs. Nov. 2 at 6:30pm in the rectory basement. This meeting is open to anyone from Pastorate 26 who would like to learn more about our group and visit with the IHM members. Contact Pat Ponty with questions 608-241-4330.
Mass of Hope and Healing
Sunday, Oct. 29 at 1pm with Bishop Hying. For anyone who has suffered the loss of children from miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, abortion, stillbirth or infant loss.
Remembrance Mass
We will remember loved ones who have passed away in the past year on Sat., Nov. 4 at 9am with Holy Mass at IHM Church.
Growing through Grief: A Heartfelt presentation on "Lessons from loss Hope for Healing" by Jeff Joutras. Sat, Nov. 4 at IHM in Marian Hall following the Mass of Remembrance that starts at 9am. Jeff's talk is meant for anyone who has lost a loved one recently or long ago.
Healing from Abortion
Whether recent or many years ago…Rachel’s Vineyard retreats offer hope and peace for anyone, who has struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain after abortion. A confidential and private retreat will take place Nov. 10-12. To register visit: or contact Mary at 608-821-3177, [email protected].