Daily Holy Mass Times This Week Monday 7:30am - St. Patrick Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am - Christ the King 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Wednesday & Friday 7:30am - St. Patrick 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Saturday 9am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Weekend Holy Mass Times Saturday (Vigil) 4:00pm - St. Patrick 5:00pm - Christ the King Sunday 7:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary 9:00am - Christ the King 9:00am - St. Patrick 10:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary | Confession Schedule Weekdays - 30 mins prior to Holy Mass Weekends - 40 mins prior to Holy Mass *subject to change, check pastorate26.com/parish-calendar Eucharistic Adoration Mary Morning Star Chapel Mon-Fri: 6am-8pm (closed Thurs 12-2pm) Children's Adoration - first and third Wed of the month 3:30-4pm Overnight Adoration at IHM Last Wed of the month - Jan 29 Office Hours Christ the King: Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm, Fri 9am-12pm Immaculate Heart of Mary & St. Patrick: Fri 9am-12pm 608-838-9797 |
SOCIETY of ST. VINCENT de PAUL Imagine yourself on a home visit with 2 conference members. A neighbor in need has recently moved into a new apartment. He called for help to get some furniture. You’ve been invited to see what a home visit is like. You walk into Jerry’s apartment. It seems like a pretty nice place - fairly new and in good shape. But there is almost nothing in it. You say hello and tell him your name. He seems a little uncomfortable, but at the same time grateful that you are there. He opens his refrigerator. You see some bottles of water, some berries in a half-empty container, and a carton of yogurt. Wanting to be hospitable, Jerry offers you the berries and the water. Not sure whether to say yes or no, you politely decline. You wonder what comes next. There is no place to sit. You and your companions stand awkwardly at the kitchen counter. One of them says they can help him fill out a voucher to get some furniture. He can get an air mattress and some bedding today - perhaps your fellow members brought those things along on this visit. Jerry begins to tell you this story. He apologizes that he can’t offer you a seat. He moved in 3 weeks ago and the move took all of his money. He hasn’t been able to afford to buy anything but a little bit of food.. He was staying with a friend after his divorce. But he wasn’t on the lease so after a few weeks he had to leave. He left most of his belongings with his ex-wife. The rest went into a storage unit until he couldn’t pay for it. Now he has almost nothing. One of the members helps Jerry fill out the furniture voucher. He needs a couch and a couple of chairs and some lamps. They offer dishes and pots and pans and clothing on the voucher. He says yes. They explain to him the process to actually get the furniture and other goods from one of the local St. Vinny’s stores. They also tell him about the food pantry and the pharmacy that SVdP - Madison runs. That can save him some money. They give him a gas card and a Walmart card so he can get some other things he needs. They offer to pray with him. His eyes fill with tears. He says he hasn’t prayed for a long time, but it’s ok if they do. He joins the end of the prayer by saying the Our Father with them. He says thank you and that no one has ever been this kind to him before. You say goodbye. Back in the car, you ask your Vincentian partners if it’s always like that - someone who has been in an apartment with nothing for 3 weeks. You learn this is fairly common and that the needs are higher than they have ever seen before. They tell you they hope you will become a home visitor in the conference. Your help is so desperately needed. They offer to pray for you as you process what just happened. You go home to a house filled with furniture and food and family. You wonder why. Vincentians are ready to meet you and invite you into the Society. Will you say yes? Talk to a Vincentian after Mass this weekend to learn more, join the Society, and go on your own home visits. |
Congratulations & God's Blessings to ![]() Ruby Bonomie who was baptized on January 18 & Sierra Macknick (pictured) who was baptized on January 19 |
Benefit Dinner & Dance Our annual Benefit Dinner & Dance is Feb. 14 from 5:30pm-11pm at Barnwood Events WI in Madison. RSVP by Jan 31 50/50 raffle tickets are available after Mass and during office hours Questions: [email protected] |
Announcements Welcome to Stella Maris Pastorate We are glad you are here! Max Schilling Francesca Hidalgo Jonathan & Sabrina Roth Joshua Weber & Emily Metzger & children, Miles & James Our Prayers & Sympathy to the family and friends of: † Peter Cherek † Robert Theisen Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen Overnight Eucharistic Adoration Adore the Lord at IHM Church. Sign up here. 8pm Jan 29 - 8am Jan 30. Adoration from Feb 3 - 7 Eucharistic Adoration from Feb 3 - 7 will be at IHM Church, instead of Mary Morning Star Chapel because of the Sisters' annual retreat. Adoration will return to the chapel on Monday, Feb. 10. IHM School Enrollment It is enrollment time at IHM School (3K - 8) for the 2025-26 school year. Priority Application for NEW students who are parishioners or siblings of current students runs through Feb. 5. After Feb. 5, enrollment will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Begin enrollment by completing this form. Catholic Schools Week (CSW) Come to our school Open House on Jan. 26, 11:30am-1pm to kick off CSW! See our school, meet school families and staff, and to get your questions answered! Check out the CSW schedule! First Reconciliation Children will be receiving their First Reconciliation before Mass on Jan. 25 at 4pm (SP) and 5pm (CTK), and on Jan. 26 at 10:30am (IHM). Prayers welcome! Presentation Candle Blessing On the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, (Candlemas), Feb. 2, it is customary to bless candles for use in prayer throughout the year. If you would like your prayer candles blessed, bring them to any weekend Mass. Tables will be set up in the vestibules of each church for this purpose. Please label your candles clearly with your name, as they will be blessed at the beginning of Mass. Marriage & Family Newsletter Visit here for DOM marriage and family resources - Rooted (retreat for newly married couples), Retrouvaille Retreat, Worldwide Marriage Encounter, NFP, Divorce Ministry, & Rachel's Vineyard Retreat. Catholic Herald Subscription Renew or subscribe to the Catholic Herald for $23. Payment envelopes are included with offertory envelopes or available in the back of church. Make checks payable to CTK, IHM or SP (memo: "Catholic Herald") and place them in the collection basket by Feb. 28 to avoid cancellation. Mass Intentions Mass intentions can be requested for a person who is living or deceased, for a celebration, in thanksgiving, as well as special intentions. Submit online at pastorate26.com/mass-intentions Shrine Votive Candles Place your prayer requests before the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the channel through which our Lord bestows graces and dispenses blessings. Submit online here. |
Events St. Vincent de Paul – Recycle the Warmth Blanket Drive Donate new or gently used blankets, bedding, and sheets to help families in need! Drop off items at Stella Maris churches or St. Vinny’s Thrift Stores on Jan. 25–26. Ways to help:
Luke House - January The churches within our pastorate prepare and serve meals at the Luke House. Food donations and volunteers to serve the food are needed. Click for details: CTK -Jan. 29 Children's Choir The children's choir will sing at the 9am Mass on Feb. 2 at St. Patrick. Rehearsal is at 8am. St. Anne's Meeting Stella Maris St. Anne's Society will have a membership meeting on Feb. 4 at 6pm in Marian Hall, IHM School. We will start with hospitality followed by a business meeting. All women of the pastorate are invited. Questions, please contact Teri Kuntzsch 608-206-5144. Visit the parish calendar for all monthly meetings. Potluck at CTK Feb. 5, 6pm at CTK. No formation this week. Pancake Breakfast at CTK CTK Men's Club annual Superbowl Pancake breakfast Sun. Feb. 9, 8 - 11:30am, proceeds will support Luke House & SVdP. Encounter School of Ministry Rooted in Catholic teaching, this two-year program equips disciples to demonstrate the supernatural power and love of God. Weekly classes during the school year blend worship, teaching, and practical activation. Themes include Identity, Healing, Evangelization, and Leadership, guided by core values like love, intimacy with God, and Christian unity. Transformation Night Feb. 10. Learn more here. Women's Faith Formation All women in the pastorate are invited to participate in the Ascension Press study “Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled." This is an 8-session study that will take place on Sundays from 6:30 - 8:00pm in the basement of St. Patrick Church beginning in March. Please contact Anne if you are interested in participating by Feb. 12. Details here. Knights of Columbus Council 7775 The KC's would like to thank everyone who helped raise around $1,000 to benefit the Food Pantry of Cottage Grove, at their recent pancake breakfast. The Council is also sponsoring a fraternal benefit night on Feb.13 at 7pm in St. Patrick Hall. All are invited to learn about the financial benefits provided by the Knights of Columbus. |
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Mass Intentions Monday Jan 27 7:30am-SP: Intention designated by celebrant Tuesday Jan 28 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Sandra Bond Martino Wednesday Jan 29 7:30am-SP: Intention designated by celebrant 8:30am-IHM: Intention designated by celebrant Thursday Jan 30 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Carol Nytes Friday Jan 31 7:30am-SP: Brian Reamer 8:30am-IHM: Intention designated by celebrant Saturday Feb 1 9am-IHM: Intention designated by celebrant 4pm-SP: Intention designated by celebrant 5pm-CTK: † Joshua Kopp Sunday Feb 2 7:30am-IHM: Stella Maris Pastorate 9am-CTK: † Emily May Nielsen 9am-SP: † Robert Klubertanz 10:30am-IHM: Intention designated by celebrant |
CONTACT PASTORATE OFFICE 608-838-9797 ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS BAPTISM To schedule a baptism, complete the online form MARRIAGE Contact the parish 8-12 months prior to the wedding date MEMBERSHIP New parishioners welcome! Register here SICK or HOMEBOUND Contact Marnie to set up Pastoral Care visits PRAYERS Email prayer requests here SHRINE INTENTIONS Light a candle here BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Submit by 12pm Wednesday PASTORATE MAINTENANCE |