Daily Holy Mass Times
Monday 7:30am - St. Patrick Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am - Christ the King 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Wednesday & Friday 7:30am - St. Patrick 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Saturday 9:00am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Weekend Holy Mass Times Saturday (Vigil) 4:00pm - St. Patrick 5:00pm - Christ the King Sunday 7:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary 9:00am - Christ the King 9:00am - St. Patrick 10:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Confession Schedule
Weekdays - 30 mins prior to Holy Mass Weekends - 40 mins prior to Holy Mass
Eucharistic Adoration
Mary Morning Star Chapel
Mon-Fri: 6am-8pm
(closed Thurs 12-2pm)
Sun: 5pm-6pm
Overnight Adoration
Last Wed Monthly at IHM - 6/26
Office Hours
Christ the King: Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm, Fri 9am-12pm
St. Patrick: Wed & Fri 9am-12pm
Immaculate Heart of Mary:
Fri 9am-12pm |
Many blessings on our celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary this Sunday. Even if you can’t make the Mass at 10:30a.m., IHM, please come to the picnic following Mass, in the backyard of the church campus. Thanks to Kathy Marshall and many other volunteers who made this happen. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for now and at the hour of our death.
Last July when we began the new Mass schedule for the pastorate, I communicated that a review of the Mass times would happen after one year, and how fast that is approaching! I started in April having many conversations about this topic with my priests, staff, musicians, leadership team, and transition team. In summation, the consensus was that we maintain the current schedule “as is” for at least another year, possibly longer. Being that we’re not yet canonically or civilly merged as a parish I feel another year of data, maybe more depending on the merging timeline, of the same Mass times will be helpful. I don’t want to get into a situation where we’re changing Mass times on a frequent basis. Once the new parish is erected this would be another chance to revisit these times with the newly formed pastoral council. I’m sorry this is possibly not the news you’re excited about, but rest assured it is a topic that remains on the table for future conversation and possible revision. Thank you for your faith and love for the Lord lived out in Stella Maris Pastorate. In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Fr. Chad M. Droessler |
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It was a beautiful Corpus Christi procession last Sunday!
“A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” -St. Padre Pio
Prayers & Sympathy
Our prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of: † Helen Jacobson
† Brian Scheidler
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Celebration
Join us on Sunday, June 9, at 10:30am Holy Mass, followed by a consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and a potluck picnic in the IHM church rectory backyard. We are in need of potluck donations of salads, side dishes and desserts. Please sign up here. There will be a cake walk, water balloons and other activities for the kids.
Giving Electronically
A sincere thanks to all who provide financial gifts of support to our pastorate. Even while traveling this summer, you can easily continue your support by making contributions electronically. It is fast, easy, and very secure! Visit pastorate26.com/giving. We are happy to assist you, if needed!
Knights of Columbus June Newsletter
Read the recent happenings within Our Lady of the Green Scapular Council here.
IHM Catholic School Referral Credit
Personal recommendations to families are our best form of advertising for IHM School. Remember, when you refer a new family, you earn a $250 credit!
Children's Prize Donations
Our pastorate is seeking prize donations for the summer programs serving our parish youth. Donations can be dropped off at the pastorate office, labeled “prizes".
Elizabeth Ministry
Supporting Moms in their childbearing years through prayer: Elizabeth Ministry volunteers commit to pray for you and your little one/s specifically in these situations: Pregnant - Expecting a baby; Waiting to Conceive or Adopt; Birth or Adoption; Loss of a baby in the womb / infant / child. Petition cards, prayer cards, and corresponding colored roses with vase can be found on the table in the alcove of the St. Anne / Blessed Mother statue inside IHM Church. If you would like us to fill out a Petition card with your intention and situation, email Mary at [email protected] or call/text 608-215-0061.
SVdP Clothing Drive
The St. Vincent de Paul spring/summer clothing drive is scheduled for this weekend, June 8/9. Bring your bags with your donations (clothing, shoes, accessories and linens) and volunteers will be available in the parking lots of each church to accept your donations. Thanks!
Cottage Grove Parade
St. Patrick Church is participating with a parade float on Saturday, June 15! Families and children of the pastorate are invited to ride or walk alongside the float - wear green! Meet in the St. Patrick parking lot between 10:30-11am. (Main Street may be blocked prior to then, parade starts at noon). Spectators from our pastorate are invited to use the St. Patrick parking lot to watch the parade (bring chairs). Questions: Sharon Beyer at 773-251-5676.
St. Anne's Society Bake Sale
St. Anne's is hosting a bake on June 22/23 after all Masses. All women of Stella Maris are invited to donate items for the sale -cookies, bars, bread, jellies/jams, Baked items can be dropped off prior to any Mass at IHM (hospitality room), SP (kitchen), or CTK (kitchen). If you are interested in helping to sell after Mass, please contact Teri Kuntzsch 608-206-5144
Family Rosary
Join us this summer to pray the rosary together as a family. Bring blankets/chairs, fellowship and snacks will follow. 6:30pm on June 12 at SP, July 17 at CTK, August 14 at IHM.
Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Diocesan Mass on Aug. 25 for couples celebrating 25, 50, 55, 60 or more years & newlyweds in their first 3 years. Register with our office 608-838-9797 by June 16 & we will submit your name to the diocese.
Luke House - June
The churches within our pastorate prepare and serve meals at the Luke House. Food donations and volunteers to serve the food are needed. Click for details:
Stella Maris Summer Grief Gathering
Are you living with grief and experiencing the pain of the loss of a loved one? A Summer Grief Gathering is planned for June 26, 9am to 11am at St. Patrick Church. All are welcome regardless of when your loss occurred. Peggy Weber and Mary Lee Steinmuller will host this gathering. Please contact Mary Lee for info and to register.
Save the Dates
Give Your “First Fruits” Back to God
To Parish..........5% To Diocese.......1% To Charities......4% Leave a Lasting Legacy Please remember the Church in your memorial & will. |
Mass Intentions
Monday June 10
7:30am-SP: † Fernando & Rosalia Rivera Tuesday June 11 7:30am-CTK: † Fr. Art Koth 8:30am-IHM: † Bob Joachim Wednesday June 12 7:30am-SP: † Major General Jerald Slack 8:30am-IHM: † Charles Doran Thursday June 13 7:30am-CTK: † Mary Ellen Peterman 8:30am-IHM: Healing for Robert Maresh Friday June 14 7:30am-SP: Intention designated by celebrant 8:30am-IHM: Elizabeth & Eric McKee Saturday June 15 9am-IHM: † Cory Olson 4pm-SP: † Jim Guy 5pm-CTK: † Armando Quiambao Sunday June 16 7:30am-IHM: † Jack & Patty Paulos 9am-CTK: † Julia & Ambrose Gazdecki 9am-SP: † JoAnn Kessler 10:30am-IHM: Stella Maris Pastorate |