Daily Holy Mass Times Monday 7:30am - St. Patrick Tuesday 7:30am - Christ the King 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Wednesday 7:30am - St. Patrick 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Thursday 7:30am - Christ the King 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary 6:00pm - St. Patrick Friday 7:30am - St. Patrick 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Saturday 9:00am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Weekend Holy Mass Times Saturday (Vigil) 4:00pm - St. Patrick 5:00pm - Christ the King Sunday 7:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary 9:00am - Christ the King 9:00am - St. Patrick 10:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary | Confession Schedule Weekdays - 30 mins prior to Holy Mass Weekends - 40 mins prior to Holy Mass Eucharistic Adoration Mary Morning Star Chapel Mon-Fri: 6am-8pm (closed Thurs 12-2pm) Sun: 5pm-6pm Overnight Adoration Last Wed Monthly at IHM Office Hours Christ the King: Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm, Fri 9am-12pm Immaculate Heart of Mary & St. Patrick: Fri 9am-12pm |
DISCIPLESHIP FORMATION Everyone in the pastorate is invited to participate in our Wednesday Discipleship Formation evenings that will begin in September! Stella Maris provides ongoing Discipleship Formation pastorate-wide for children, teens, parents and ALL adults! Everyone in the pastorate is encouraged to join weekly where parishioners of all ages receive engaging content to grow in their Catholic faith! Sometimes we will pray together, other times we will learn about an aspect of our faith and share in conversation. We will also have the privilege of hearing testimonies from people about how the Lord has been at work in their lives! Childcare is available for children ages 0-2. Children ages 3-5 have the opportunity to spend time in our beautiful atrium for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. 1st-5th graders will use the Word of Life curriculum to grow in faith and discipleship. 6th-8th graders will be having 'Middle School Edge Nights' - a time of fellowship with snacks, engaging activities, insightful talks, small group discussions and a meaningful closing prayer experience! BRAND NEW THIS YEAR! 9th-12th graders will be having 'High School LifeTeen Nights' - a time of fellowship with snacks, engaging content, prayer, and small group discussions. All high schoolers in the pastorate are invited to a summer bonfire on August 25 at Christ the King in McFarland, 7-8:30pm. Games, snacks, and a bonfire! No registration required for this event. For all details about our pastorate-wide Wednesday night gatherings and discipleship formation registration, visit our website. |
![]() | Congratulations & God’s Blessings to Miles Doll who was baptized on July 28! |
Announcements Welcome to Stella Maris Pastorate!
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Thursday, August 15, Holy Mass times are 7:30am - CTK, 8:30am - IHM and 6pm - SP No Adoration Aug 12-16 Mary Morning Star Chapel will not be open Aug. 12-16. SVdP Needs Your Help IHM SVdP conference needs your financial support to assist our neighbors in need with rent and utility expenses. We have been visiting our neighbors and doing home visits weekly trying to address their needs. However, our funds are extremely low. Recently, we were unable to help a Monona resident with a $ 300 water utility bill requiring us to apply for funds from a SVdP District Special Fund. In the past your generosity enabled us to make a difference in the lives of our less fortunate neighbors. We hope you will consider a donation to replenish our assistance abilities. Donate online or checks should be made payable to IHM SVdP conference. Thank you! Fall Women’s Faith Formation Women of Stella Maris pastorate please join us for a Endow study “The Science of Love” about the life of St. Therese of Lisieux. We will meet Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11am in the basement conference room at IHM. The study will begin October 1 and continue for 8 weeks. Details here. Questions: contact Mary Sullivan. Prompt registration is appreciated. Moms Coffee Hour Second Saturdays of the month beginning Sept. 14, 9:30am-10:45am. Meet in IHM narthex after 9am Mass. Details here. Contact: Avarie Roser Children’s Adoration Children's Adoration will begin in Sept. and occur on the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 3-3:30pm. Meet in the foyer prior. The Sisters of Mary Morning Star will lead. Children need to be accompanied by a parent. Contact: Avarie Roser Meal Trains If you and your family are in need of a meal train because you recently had a baby, struggling with a prolonged illness, or some other life situation where you could use a little help - contact parishioner, Avarie. She happily coordinates meal trains for others. Mass Intentions Mass intentions can be requested for a person who is living or deceased, for a celebration, in thanksgiving, as well as special intentions. The suggested stipend is $20 per Holy Mass. Contact Sue or submit online. Proper Disposal of Green Scapulars (and other sacramentals) If you find that your green scapular is coming apart, the proper way to dispose of it is by burying it (in a garden, flower bed or even a potted plant), or by burning it (in a campfire or fireplace). Blessed green scapulars can be found on the shrine display board in the IHM Church narthex. |
Events Stuff the Bus Stuff the Bus is an effort to encourage donations of backpacks and school supplies for students in need at IHM School and our pastorate, to help them deal with the expenses of the new school year. Through Aug 11, donations of backpacks and/or school supplies can be placed in the donation boxes at CTK, IHM & SP. Family Rosary Join us this summer to pray the rosary together as a family. Bring blankets/chairs, fellowship and snacks will follow. 6:30pm on Aug 14 at IHM. Rosary Rallies for Religious Freedom CTK outdoor Marian Garden, Thursdays, Aug 15 - Oct 31, 6-7pm. Bring a chair. Dress appropriately for the weather. More info here, or contact Julie, 715-862-2523. Luke House - August The churches within our pastorate prepare and serve meals at the Luke House. Food donations and volunteers to serve the food are needed. CTK: Aug 20, SP: Aug 21, IHM: Aug 28 Day in the Life Join the Sisters of Mary Morning Star, Aug 24, 9:15am - 4pm to learn more about the prayerful life of being a religious sister. Registration is limited to the first 25 girls, age 12-18. Lunch provided. Donation of $10 gratefully accepted. Details here. Stella Maris Picnic All are invited to the Stella Maris Pastorate Picnic on Aug 25 at St. Patrick. Activities will begin after the 9am Mass with food being served around 11am by the Knights of Columbus. The pig roast will also include side dishes, soda, adult beverages and ice cream. DJ Musical Memories will provide games & activities for all ages until 3pm. A great way to end the summer! Help is needed for the picnic! Contact Dale. Men of Christ Conference Sept 21 at St. John the Baptist, Waunakee. Cost is $40. Details here. Retrouvaille Is your marriage tearing you apart? Find help through Retrouvaille, (ret-tro-vi), where husbands & wives are helped to re-discover each other. Madison’s upcoming Retrouvaille program is Sept 27-29, at the Green Lake Conference Center. Follow up sessions will be in Madison. Call 608-249-2377 visit helpourmarriage.org |
Give Your “First Fruits” Back to God To Parish..........5% To Diocese.......1% To Charities......4% Leave a Lasting Legacy Please remember the Church in your memorial & will. |
Mass Intentions Monday Aug 12 7:30am-SP: † Edwin & Jeanne Connelly Tuesday Aug 13 7:30am-CTK: † Fr. Art Koth 8:30am-IHM: † Alice Swanke Wednesday Aug 14 7:30am-SP: Intention designated by celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Jeff Stahl Thursday Aug 15 7:30am-CTK: † Esther Burke 8:30am-IHM: Stella Maris Pastorate 6:00pm-SP: † John Streber Friday Aug 16 7:30am-SP: Intention designated by celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Patricia Feeney Saturday Aug 17 9am-IHM: Intention designated by celebrant 4pm-SP: Ambrose & Julia Meinholz Families 5pm-CTK: Stella Maris Pastorate Sunday Aug 18 7:30am-IHM: † Stanley Feeney 9am-CTK: † Art & Pat Wensing 9am-SP: Intention of Blaise Hebert 10:30am-IHM: † Dottie & Mansel Johns |