Daily Holy Mass Times Monday 7:30am - St. Patrick Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am - Christ the King 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Wednesday & Friday 7:30am - St. Patrick 8:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Saturday 9:00am - Immaculate Heart of Mary Weekend Holy Mass Times Saturday (Vigil) 4:00pm - St. Patrick 5:00pm - Christ the King Sunday 7:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary 9:00am - Christ the King 9:00am - St. Patrick 10:30am - Immaculate Heart of Mary | Confession Schedule Weekdays - 30 mins prior to Holy Mass Weekends - 40 mins prior to Holy Mass Eucharistic Adoration Mary Morning Star Chapel Mon-Fri: 6am-8pm Sun: 5pm-6pm (closed Thurs 12-2pm) Children's Adoration - first and third Wed of the month 3-3:30pm Overnight Adoration at IHM Last Wed/Thurs of the month Office Hours Christ the King: Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm, Fri 9am-12pm Immaculate Heart of Mary & St. Patrick: Fri 9am-12pm |
Stella Maris Summer Picnic at St. Patrick ![]() |
Announcements Prayers and Sympathy to the family and friends of: † Bernie Rhodes Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen Memorial Gifts Recent gifts were received in memory of † Eugene Walsh. We are blessed to honor his memory. Confession Times Confession times may change due to the priests' schedules. Please check the website calendar for the most up-to-date confession times. Knights of Columbus September Newsletter Read the recent happenings within Our Lady of the Green Scapular Council here. Stella Maris Children’s Choir Pastorate children are invited to join the newly created Stella Maris Children’s Choir! This ensemble is open to ages Kindergarten-8th grade, and will rotate between the three buildings, starting with St. Patrick’s on Oct. 8. Rehearsal will be at 8am in the parish center before 9am Mass. Respond here to participate. New Second Atrium for CGS The Baptistry at IHM will now serve as our second atrium and should be reserved exclusively for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and baptisms. We kindly ask that it not be used for any other purposes. Additionally, we are in need of shelves, small coffee tables, end tables, and lamps in neutral colors for the atrium. If you have any items to contribute, contact Frannie. Potluck on Sept. 25 at St. Patrick 6pm All are welcome! For details about all our pastorate-wide Wednesday night gatherings and discipleship formation registration: visit our website. Mass Intentions Mass intentions can be requested for a person who is living or deceased, for a celebration, in thanksgiving, as well as special intentions. Contact Sue or submit online. |
Events Luke House - September The churches within our pastorate prepare and serve meals at the Luke House. Food donations and volunteers to serve the food are needed. CTK: Sept 17 & 30, SP: Sept 18, IHM: Sept 25. Rosary Rallies for Religious Freedom CTK outdoor Marian Garden, Thursdays, Sept 12- Oct 31, 6-7pm. Bring a chair. Dress appropriately for the weather. More info here, or contact Julie, 715-862-2523. Men of Stella Maris Pastorate Join our pastorate’s second year of a vibrant men’s group this Fall featuring ‘That Man Is You!’ (TMIY), a program that invites us to discover what it means to be fully alive and experience authentic freedom as sons of God! TMIY will be hosted at CTK on Saturday mornings, 7-8:30am, beginning Sept. 14 and includes breakfast, a video presentation, & small group discussion. Email Tom with questions or register here. Moms Coffee Hour Second Saturdays of the month beginning Sept. 14, 9:30am-10:45am. Meet in IHM narthex after 9am Mass. Details here. Contact: Avarie Roser Fall Women’s Faith Formation Women of Stella Maris pastorate please join us for a Endow study “The Science of Love” about the life of St. Therese of Lisieux. We will meet Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11am in the basement conference room at IHM. The study will begin Oct. 1 and continue for 8 weeks. Details here. Questions: contact Mary Sullivan. Prompt registration is appreciated. Mass of Hope and Healing with Bishop Hying Sunday, Oct. 6 at 1pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. For anyone grieving the loss of children through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, abortion, stillbirth, or infant death. Questions? Contact Mary Heart of Christ Encounter Deep dive into Sacred Heart devotion. The morning of reflection features Bishop Hying and Fr. Brian Dulli. 8am-12pm, Oct. 12 at St. James Catholic Church |
Give Your “First Fruits” Back to God To Parish..........5% To Diocese.......1% To Charities......4% Leave a Lasting Legacy Please remember the Church in your memorial & will. |
Mass Intentions Monday Sept 9 7:30am-SP: Intention designated by celebrant Tuesday Sept 10 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Robert Joachim Wednesday Sept 11 7:30am-SP: † Norman Crispin 8:30am-IHM: † Patrick Leary & Coleen Leary Durst Thursday Sept 12 7:30am-CTK: Intention designated by celebrant 8:30am-IHM: Intentions of Noah Baxter Friday Sept 13 7:30am-SP: † Jim Guy 8:30am-IHM: † Ethel Dalsing Saturday Sept 14 9am-IHM: Intention designated by celebrant 4pm-SP: Stella Maris Pastorate 5pm-CTK: Intention designated by celebrant Sunday Sept 15 7:30am-IHM: Intention designated by celebrant 9am-CTK: Intention designated by celebrant 9am-SP: † Elizabeth & James Mindham 10:30am-IHM: † Jessica Duffy |
CONTACT ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS BAPTISM To schedule a baptism, complete the online form MARRIAGE Contact the parish 8-12 months prior to the wedding date MEMBERSHIP New parishioners welcome! Register here SICK or HOMEBOUND Contact Marnie to set up Pastoral Care visits PRAYERS Email prayer requests here SHRINE INTENTIONS Light a candle here BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Submit by 12pm Wednesday PASTORATE MAINTENANCE Submit a maintenance request |