This weekend I want to share a couple of exciting announcements!
First, our pastorate pledged over 100% of the Annual Catholic Appeal goals:
CTK $37,617.70 ($36,765) 102% of goal
IHM $101,809.85 ($81,507) 124% of goal SP $28,843.40 (23,442) 123% of goal This is outstanding! Thank you for your generous support of the ministries of the Diocese of Madison. Second, speaking of the Diocese of Madison, this year’s Holy Week will be unique beyond the changes from Into the Deep. Since the renovations of the new Cathedral are not yet complete, Bishop Hying will be celebrating Holy Thursday Mass and Easter Vigil in our Pastorate! In addition, we will host the seminarians for the Diocese of Madison for all Triduum liturgies. It is a great honor that His Excellency chose Pastorate 26 for the most solemn and most sacred liturgies of our entire liturgical year and we look forward to hosting him and the seminarians. Continued prayers for your Lenten journey, Fr. Chad M. Droessler |
Congratulations and God’s blessings to
Vincent George Davis who received the Sacrament of Baptism on February 17! (Vincent is pictured here with Fr. Joseph Heit, his uncle) |
Congratulations and God’s blessings to Hazel Augustine Twing who received the Sacrament of Baptism on January 28!
Welcome to our Pastorate
Welcome to our newest parishioners!
Mary Spyrow and her children Audrey & Oliver
Prayers & Sympathy
Our prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of: † Rosemary Kurt
† Ann Price
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Men’s Holy Week Retreat
The Jesuit Retreat House on Lake Winnebago offers a silent men’s retreat Wednesday - Saturday of Holy Week, Mar 27-30. The retreat includes eight conferences preached by Fr. Eric Immel, SJ, Holy Thursday Mass, Good Friday and Holy Saturday services, rosary and stations of the cross devotions, opportunities for confession and spiritual direction, and a healing service. The Jesuit Retreat House provides an atmosphere of quiet, peace and prayer conducive to entering these holiest days of the Church year. Register online or call 920-231-9060. Contact Mike Friedel for more info at 608-347-4052.
Sign Up!
40 Days for Life
We invite all to come and pray for the protection of the unborn on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood: 3706 Orin Road, Madison. Sign up here.
Eucharistic Adoration
Sign up to adore the Lord at Mary Morning Star Chapel
Mary's Rosary Assemblers
Will be hosting their Lenten Rosary and Chaplet Sale after the weekend Masses on the following dates: March 2 & 3 at CTK, March 9 & 10 at SP and March 17 at IHM. Besides lovely Rosaries, a new item for this Lent is the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Mary. All proceeds will be used to make and distribute Rosaries to foreign missions, and to hospitals, nursing homes, hospice, and parishes/schools upon request in the Madison Diocese.
First Saturday Devotions
The Five First Saturdays Devotion is a request made by Our Lady of Fatima. The Blessed Mother promised to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation all who, as an act of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on the first five Saturdays of consecutive months: Go to confession, Receive Holy Communion, Say five decades of the rosary, Keep Mary company for 15 minutes meditating on the mysteries of the rosary. Visit our website for details.
Easter Basket Donations Needed
On March 16 the IHM St. Vincent de Paul conference and St. Anne’s Society will work together to assemble Easter Baskets for families in need. Donation items, such as small toys, Easter candy, Easter baskets, plastic eggs and tissue paper are needed to make this event a success. Place your donations in the labeled bins in the church entry area at IHM, CTK or SP. The donation bins will be available until March 15. Please contact Pat Ponty (608-221-4330) or Mary Anderson (608-221-1926) with questions.
IHM Catholic School - Enrollment 2024-25
Enrolling now for the 2024-25 school year! Our classrooms are quickly filling up, with many nearing capacity; the 4K class is full. Space is on a first-come, first-served basis. Fill out this inquiry form to begin enrollment.
Diocese of Madison - Marriage & Family Newsletter
Click here for details on Retrouvaille Retreat, Worldwide Marriage Encounter, NFP, Divorce Ministry, Rachel's Vineyard Retreat and more. |
March Meetings
The IHM Conference of St. Vincent de Paul meeting will be held on Thursday, March 8 at 6:30pm in the IHM rectory basement. This meeting is open to anyone from Pastorate 26 who would like to learn more about our group and visit with the IHM members. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Catholic lay organization that leads women and men to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy, suffering or forgotten. Please contact Pat Ponty with any questions 608-241-4330.
The Knights of Columbus Council 7775 is having a Fraternal Benefits Night at St. Patrick Hall on Thursday, March 14 at 7pm. All pastorate members are invited to find out the benefits of being a member of the Knights of Columbus and the insurance benefits offered by the Knights of Columbus.
St. Anne's is cancelling the March 5 membership meeting, please see your email or contact Teri Kuntzsch 608-206-5144 for additional information about St. Anne volunteer opportunities.
Prayer Shawl meetings are monthly at St. Patrick at 9am and meet the first Wednesday of the month and at Christ the King at 1:30pm on the second Wednesday of the month.
*All pastorate meetings are at
![]() Lent is a time for special prayer, fasting and abstinence in preparation for the great Easter celebration. Stations of the Cross IHM: March 15 at 4pm and each Friday after 8:30am Mass
CTK: March 8 at 6pm
SP: March 22 at 6pm Confession 30 minutes before daily Mass 40 minutes before weekend Mass Penance Service March 20 at IHM 6pm
Eucharistic Adoration
At Mary Morning Star Chapel
Mon-Fri 6am - 8pm (except 12-2pm Thursday)
Children's Adoration: 3:30-4pm every third Wednesday of the month.
Overnight Adoration at IHM
Mar 27 8pm to 8am Mar 28
During Lent, at every liturgy, we’ll recess in silence to keep a spirit of recollection and silence. |
Lenten Almsgiving
Our parish Lenten almsgiving will support Our Lady of Hope Clinic, a family focused, non-profit clinic in Madison that offers affordable access to personal healthcare. Donation boxes are available in the back of church. Please take one or more home with you. As you fast during Lent from things that you enjoy, set aside the money you would normally have spent and place it in the box. Return it on Palm Sunday. You can also donate online. Lenten Fasting & Abstinence For Catholics, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting (age 18 to 59) and abstinence from meat (ages 14 and older). In addition, all Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence from meat. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal.
Old Palms
Please bring in your palms from last year and place them in the basket in the back of church.
Easter Flowers
If you would like to honor a loved one with Easter flowers, you can donate online or place an envelope labeled “Easter Flowers in memory/honor of: and from:” and place in the collection basket. Suggested donation $25. |
Wednesday Night Faith Formation
March 6 - Potluck at St. Patrick at 6pm. Sign up here to bring an item to share.
Venite Adoremus
Venite Adoremus is a monthly diocese-wide event for young adults to come together and pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament at Eucharistic Adoration. Venite Adoremus will be at IHM on Friday, March 8. All details here.
Diocese of Madison Annual Young Adult Retreat
The retreat will be at Camp Gray from Friday, March 22-24 and is open to all young adults in their 20s and 30s. Click here to register by March 8.
Fish Fries
IHM: March 15
Sponsored by IHM Catholic School
Dine In: 5-7:30pm & Carry Out: 4:30-7pm
Beer Battered & Baked Cod
St. Patrick: The Knights of Columbus Council 7775 would like to thank everyone who attended the fish fry. It was a great success with support from our entire pastorate. The next KC fish fry will be on March 22 at St. Patrick Hall from 4:30 to 7pm.
Healing from Abortion
Whether recent or many years ago, Rachel’s Vineyard retreats offer hope and peace for anyone, women or men who have struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain after abortion. Upcoming retreat: March 15-17. Confidential and private. Contact Mary at 608-821-3177, or [email protected] or visit the website.
Experiencing Suicide Grief
If you are grieving this type of loss, you are not alone and there is hope. Consider joining a 4-part series, sponsored by the Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities, by Peg Weber RN MSN, Certified Grief Educator, along with Cheryl Horne, a Pastoral Associate in the Diocese of Madison. Bishop Hying is joining for the first group meeting on April 2. |
Mass Intentions
Monday Mar 4
7:30am-SP: Carolyn Stanfield Tuesday Mar 5 7:30am-CTK: † Jeanette Schey 8:30am-IHM: Intentions of the Carrier Family Wednesday Mar 6 7:30am-SP: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Nancy Provenzano Thursday Mar 7 7:30am-CTK: † Ramon Blanco 8:30am-IHM: † JoAnn Kessler Friday Mar 8 7:30am-SP: Intention designated by Celebrant 8:30am-IHM: † Cory Olson Saturday Mar 9 9am-IHM: Intention designated by Celebrant 4pm-SP: † Jim Guy 5pm-CTK: † Jerry Raha Sunday Mar 10 7:30am-IHM: People of Pastorate 26 9am-CTK: † Reg Newton 9am-SP: † Bob Klubertanz 10:30am-IHM: † Mansel & Dottie Johns |